south lake tahoe vacation rentals

In the winter the region receives an average of 409 "of snow, the Tahoe makes a premier ski destination in the United States. Region includes 15 downhill resorts, 10 cross country ski center, and facilities for snowboarding, ice skating, snowshoeing, snowmobiling , sledding, sleigh ride and, of course, only play in the snow.

Throughout the year activities including fishing, Vegas-style gambling and entertainment in the name of Casino. And,

then there is the lake. Lake Tahoe is renowned for its clear water and big size. Lake size 12 miles wide and 22 miles long and said that you can see a white dinner plate 75 feet below the surface. lake average depth is 989 feet with the deepest point to be 1645 feet. Lake Tahoe contains enough water to cover the entire state of California 15 inches deep. It is the largest alpine lake in North America.

When deciding to stay where you must decide on the North or South Shores of Lake Tahoe. If you prefer a gambling and entertainment, then you want to go to South Shores. It features better Casinos , and entertainment options, often with a better price. If you want more relaxed atmosphere then head outside to the north coast. You will find a selection of high quality resorts and vacation rentals. The West Shore is very woodsy and the most campsites, while the Eastern Shore is protected from development and has no commercial activity. You have to stay where you will find many water sports and mountain.

If you seek refuge outside the room, then Lake Tahoe is the place to spend your next family vacation!


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